7 minutes
Automating my homelab using Proxmox, Terraform, Ansible & Puppet (Part 2)
With the main automation services setup, it was time to look at a way to fully automate the process of creating a new node. The main goal was to have a central repository that manages my infrastructure. This repository utilizes Terraform
and Ansible
for the staging, building & deployment.
Terraform (Opentofu)
I decided to use Opentofu
instead of Terraform
. This is an opensource fork which uses the exact same commands where the terraform
command is substituded by tofu
. The first step was to create the basic file structure for the project where I defined variables, the provider and my main file.
The main goal was to have a dynamic way to install, delete or modify nodes in my homelab. I achieved my basic needs (for now) using a map(object)
where my nodes are defined with an IP, ID, cores, sockets and amount of allocated memory. I will expand this in the future if I want it even more modular.
variable "node_info" {
type = map(object({
ip = string
vmid = string
cores = string
sockets = string
memory = string
default = {
"y" = { ip = "x", vmid = "201", cores = "4", sockets = "2", memory = "8192"}
"y" = { ip = "x", vmid = "202", cores = "2", sockets = "1", memory = "4096"}
"y" = { ip = "x", vmid = "203", cores = "2", sockets = "2", memory = "2048"}
variable "pm_api_token_id" {
type = string
variable "pm_api_token_secret" {
type = string
variable "target_node" {
type = string
default = ""
variable "cloudinit_template" {
type = string
default = "alma-9.1"
variable "ssh_key_main" {
type = string
default = ""
variable "ssh_key_jenkins" {
type = string
default = ""
As mentioned earlier, there is a community provider needed to use terraform on proxmox. The provider uses the proxmox API to perform all the actions needed.
provider "proxmox" {
pm_api_url = "https://x:8006/api2/json"
pm_api_token_id = var.pm_api_token_id
pm_api_token_secret = var.pm_api_token_secret
pm_tls_insecure = true
Once the variables and provider were set, the main file could be build. I created a resource
with all the necessary configurations and settings. The variables created in the previous step, could now be used inside the main file. I made sure that certain changes to the nodes (like network changes) won’t trigger a rebuild of the node. That way I can easily make small manual changes without terraform noticing a change and potentially deleting my data (I still have backups just in case).
terraform {
required_providers {
proxmox = {
source = "telmate/proxmox"
version = "2.9.14"
resource "proxmox_vm_qemu" "homelab_node" {
# General VM settings
for_each = var.node_info
name = each.key
target_node = var.target_node
vmid = each.value.vmid
clone = var.cloudinit_template
full_clone = true
agent = 1
os_type = "cloud-init"
cores = each.value.cores
sockets = each.value.sockets
cpu = "host"
memory = each.value.memory
scsihw = "virtio-scsi-pci"
bootdisk = "scsi0"
# Cloud Init Settings
ipconfig0 = "ip=${each.value.ip}/23,gw=x"
nameserver = "x"
ciuser = "rein"
sshkeys = <<EOF
disk {
slot = 0
ssd = 1
size = "20G"
type = "scsi"
storage = "local-lvm"
iothread = 0
network {
model = "virtio"
bridge = "vmbr0"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
Building a pipeline
With the terraform code in place and ready to be used, I could start building a Jenkins pipeline that will build the infrastructure and run initial configuration using Ansible. This was done with a lot of trial and error because I’m still quit new to Jenkins. The pipeline is in no way perfect or final but it does the job for now.
Stage 1
The first stage just checks out the repository form my Gitea instance and loads all the info:
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
script {
git branch: 'main', credentialsId: 'jenkins_ssh', url: "${env.REPO_URL}"
Stage 2
Next up is the initialization of tofu (terraform). This will check the current working directory and install the needed provider.
stage('Terraform init') {
script {
sh "cd terraform; tofu init"
Stage 3
I wanted a way to manually decide if I wanted to Apply
or Destroy
the pushed code. This way I could use 1 pipeline for both setting up and destroying my setup. The pipeline will first check for the given user input:
is chosen, the pipeline will just runtofu apply -auto-approve
and update the current setup to the code-defined one. -
is chose, the pipeline will runtofu destroy -auto-approve
and remove the destroyed nodes from the puppetserver (this will be explained in the next stage).
stage('Apply / Destroy') {
steps {
script {
def userInput = input(
id: 'userInput',
message: 'Select an option:',
parameters: [
choice(name: 'Select an option:', choices: ['Apply', 'Destroy'], description: 'Choose one option')
echo "User selected: ${userInput}"
string(credentialsId: 'pm_api_token_id', variable: 'TF_VAR_pm_api_token_id'),
string(credentialsId: 'pm_api_token_secret', variable: 'TF_VAR_pm_api_token_secret')
]) {
if (userInput == 'Apply') {
sh "cd terraform; tofu apply -auto-approve"
} else if (userInput == 'Destroy') {
tf_command = "cd terraform; tofu destroy -auto-approve"
// Retrieve Terraform output variables
def node_info_json = sh(script: 'cd terraform; tofu output -json node_info', returnStdout: true).trim()
// Parse JSON and convert LazyMap to HashMap
def nodeInfoMap = new HashMap<String, String>()
new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(node_info_json).each { key, value ->
nodeInfoMap.put(key, value)
// Remove certs from puppetserver
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : nodeInfoMap.entrySet()) {
def nodeName = entry.key
def nodeIp = entry.value
sshagent(['jenkins_ssh']) {
sh "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p ${env.SERVER_PORT} ${env.SERVER_USER}@${env.SERVER_HOST} 'puppetserver ca clean --certname ${nodeName}.imrein.com 2>/dev/null || true'"
def exitCode = sh(script: tf_command, returnStatus: true)
env.tf_destroy_code = exitCode.toString()
Stage 4
After the nodes have been setup, I wanted a way to also do some initial configuration and install a puppetagent pointing to the right puppetserver by default + register the certificate. I used Ansible
for this and included the playbook inside the same repository. If Destroy
was chosen in the previous stage, this will not run ofcourse.
stage('Initial setup') {
steps {
script {
if (env.tf_destroy_code != '0') {
// Retrieve Terraform output variables
def node_info_json = sh(script: 'cd terraform; tofu output -json node_info', returnStdout: true).trim()
echo "${node_info_json}"
// Parse JSON and convert LazyMap to HashMap
def nodeInfoMap = new HashMap<String, String>()
new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(node_info_json).each { key, value ->
nodeInfoMap.put(key, value)
// Build hosts file for ansible
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : nodeInfoMap.entrySet()) {
def nodeName = entry.key
def nodeIp = entry.value
sh "cd ansible; echo '${nodeName} ansible_host=${nodeIp} ansible_user=rein' >> hosts.ini"
// Run ansible playbook
sh "cd ansible; ansible-playbook main.yml -i hosts.ini --become"
} else {
echo "Destroy done."
The ansible playbook:
### Playbook
- name: Install puppet-agent
hosts: all
- defaults/main.yml
- ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa
- name: Set fqdn
name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.imrein.com"
- include_tasks: tasks/setup-RedHat.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- include_tasks: tasks/setup-Debian.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- name: Install puppet-agent by default
name: "{{ puppet_agent_package }}"
state: present
- name: Set puppet server
path: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
line: |
server={{ fqdn_puppetserver }}
ca_server={{ fqdn_puppetserver }}
state: present
- name: Set puppet PATH
path: /etc/sudoers
regexp: '^Defaults'
line: 'Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/puppetlabs/bin"'
state: present
- name: Puppetrun
ignore_errors: true
Puppet profiles
Now that the nodes are being setup automatically and setup with a puppet-agent by default, I could start making my puppet profiles for the services and docker-stacks I’m running. This was also pretty straight forward and still a big WIP but the main things are ready. I can define in my hieradata which node will run certain services or containers.
node 'a.imrein.com' {
include profile_base
node 'b.imrein.com' {
include profile_base
include profile_docker
node 'c.imrein.com' {
include profile_base
include profile_gitea
include profile_jenkins
node 'd.imrein.com' {
include profile_base
include profile_docker
include profile_prometheus
include profile_grafana
node 'e.imrein.com' {
include profile_base
include profile_docker
My homelab is now mostly automated and requires little to no manual intervention. The only things I still need to do is define my new nodes in the terraform variables code and include the right puppet profile to that node. Et voila. 🎉